Synthetic Alcohol?

Synthetic alcohol: booze without the hangover (Wired UK)
What is non-alcoholic and non-toxic but gives you the buzz of a beer? Synthetic alcohol, apparently.
Posted by Sir Four at 2:17pm Feb 3 '13
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According to the linked article,
Nutt, formerly the government's senior drugs adviser, has identified a substance that is alcohol-free but acts as a substitute. It has a chemical structure similar to benzodiazepine, a class of psychoactive drugs that treat anxiety and insomnia. The as-yet-unnamed drug can produce alcohol's desirable effects such as sociability and relaxation, but without negative effects such as nausea.

Nutt is testing the compounds on human subjects. The substance may be on sale within two years and, he says, would cost the same as a cocktail.

Nutt claims that this new compound would be much safer, the effects reversible, and would leave no hangover.

But here's what I'm getting stuck on... it seems he has not, as claimed, discovered synthetic alcohol. It seems he's simply developed a new drug in the benzodiazepine class. He's basically describing a variation of Xanax, and marketing it as "synthetic alcohol". From a marketing standpoint, that's brilliant. But what government is going to allow it to be sold for recreational use?
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