PTSD = mental illness

Posted by Someone Else at 5:45pm Jun 28 '13
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So, while insane is not the politically correct way to describe it, he was some kind of insane...

But his insanity was created and fostered by worthless and pointless war and violence, and refusal/inability to provide him with the help he needs. Which makes it decidedly different and tragic in a completely separate way to brain malfunction causing depression or other illness.

Reading his note makes me think about how people react to things...this is obviously an intelligent man, and I wonder if that made it harder for him than the guys who aren't as intellectual...of course, regardless of intelligence, no one should go through what he did, and anyone who didn't go in with a mental illness (sociopathy, for instance) will most likely come out with one.

What a fucking joke. Not him, or the note. But war. Violence. Creating killers and sadists and murderers out of good, innocent people, whether they want to or not. All so guys in suits can work out their differences.

I think the people who declare war should be forced to be the first on the field and in the front lines. They'd think twice before going that far if it was themselves they condemned to death (and walking death, like this guy was experiencing before his suicide), instead of what amounts to little plastic army guys to the big wigs.

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