Massive Fire at Seaside Heights Boardwalk

Seaside Heights boardwalk fire: Kohr's Ice Cream stand ablaze
SEASIDE HEIGHTS - A large fire was burning in the Kohr's Ice Cream shop on the Seaside Heights boardwalk as of 2:45 p.m., News 12 reported. Firefighters fought the blaze as black smoke poured out of the popular shop, as seen in a video posted ...
Posted by Sir Four at 5:30pm Sep 12 '13
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Not one year after being devastated by Hurricane Sandy, the Seaside Heights boardwalk is currently engulfed in flames. It began at the extreme south end, but wind is blowing strongly to the north, carrying the flames with it. The fire is just chewing through everything, and firefighters do not have it under control.

This is an absolutely terrible tragedy for a place that has already suffered so much. =(

added on 5:38pm Sep 12 '13:

The area burning at this moment:

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