State of disaster declared for Interior/Western AK

Governor declares disaster in Fairbanks, western Alaska
Parnell, who had just returned from weekend visits to coastal regions hit by the same storm system that struck the Interior last week, said he was compelled to declare the disaster due to the number of people in the Interior still without power.
Posted by Kromey at 1:14am Nov 19 '13
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Related to [private]'s thread, the Governor today declared a state of disaster for Fairbanks and Western Alaska after the wind storm last week left 15,000 homes and businesses without power; current estimates have about 600 homes and businesses still in the dark.

Gov. Parnell said the state was not likely to help with disaster response -- the cities and Borough have that well in hand, which given that we're 5 days after the storm is a good thing at this point -- but it will be offering assistance in clean-up and recovery, which may go to homeowners with damaged houses, and of course to help repair the damaged infrastructure (most obviously the power lines).

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