
Posted by 79 at 4:33pm May 8 '13
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corporations are people, too.

soft money everywhere.

literally setting a price on votes (if anyone thinks the koch brothers wouldn't sponsor a whole bunch of assholes, they're delusional).

loan programs are fundamentally flawed. take school loans for example - those who have the tens of thousands to pay up front pay just that amount. kids who have to take out loans end up paying far, far more over the years in interest. because A has rich parents, A's schooling cost $30,000. because B needed loans and work study and an outside job to afford it, over his/her lifetime B paid up to $60,000 for the same education.

ie, charging poor people far more for a product than rich people pay is the fuck-up of the loan system (not that i've got any idea how to set things up otherwise).

plus, no one would be able to ask high-sounding questions about the "price of freedom". at least the answer wouldn't be blood anymore (unless you could pay for your citizenship by going to blood drives...).

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