
Posted by 79 at 7:54pm Nov 16 '13
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my main complaint is that there aren't many games for it yet - some good ones, but they need to build up their library (i'm waiting for Mario Kart and Smash Bros in particular).

it's 1080 res, and Good Guy Nintendo includes an hdmi cable - if you've got a decent sized tv, it's extremely noticeable over the wii (we've done back-to-back gaming on the two). the main controller (with the screen) is an awesome idea, and when a game can make use of it, it's really cool. eg, the ability to play a competitive multiplayer* game where one player has access to information that the others can't see is pretty sweet (there's a neat hide-and-seek type game in NintedoLand, for instance).
i can also speak for the no-need-for-tv bit. i don't have anyone needing my tv for anything else while i'm playing, but if a cat decides i'm not paying enough attention and blocks the screen i can keep right on going. the able-to-view-in any direction works pretty well, too.

the black version is definitely worth it. you get NL free, which is basically a whole bunch of mini-games designed to make use of all the possibilities of the controller system. there are single player ones, coop and versus - i'd recommend getting it anyway. you also get a permanent money-back scheme for the online store, and the extra memory + store means you don't need physical discs. i checked it out when i was getting mine, and after a game or two bought that way you've made the money difference back.

while the wii controllers operate the same, there is no longer the option to use Game Cube controllers - which is gonna suck when SB comes out, but meh.

overall verdict: great system, the main controller isn't just a useless gimmick but actually quite good, and i think it'll definitely be worth it - it just needs a much bigger library. games that make use of the main controller's possibilities well will be a gaming experience completely new to consoles, but how many developers aside from Nintendo will bother to really explore it remains to be seen.

*chrome doesn't think "multiplayer" is a word? weird.

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