Re: Ruminations.

Posted by Kazper at 3:03pm Mar 7 '09
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1. Unvoiced, aspirated consonants:

p = p(a) (p-aid) / p

f = f(a) (f-ade) / f

m = m(a) (th-ank you) / m

t = t(a) (t-oday) / t

c = c(a) (s-orry) / c

s = s(a) (sh-ake) / s

n = n(a) (ch-oke) / n

k = k(a) (c-ake) / k

2. Vowels:

w = w (b-oo) / w

q = q (h-i-t) / q

i = i (p-ee) / i

u = u (m-u-t) / u

e = e (b-e-t) / e

a = a (b-a-ll) / a

x = x (f-oo-t) / x

y = y (b-a-t) / y

3. Voiced, unaspirated consonants:

b = b(o) (b-uddy) / b

v = v(o) (v-ictory) / v

l = l(o) (th-e) / l

d = d(o) (d-inner) / d

z = z(o) (z-oo) / z

j = j(o) (mea-s-ure) / j

r = r(o) (j-uice) / r

g = g(o) (g-arage) / g

L = L(o) (l-ove) / L

(I'm probably gonna change the inherent vowels of voiced, unaspirated consonants to ai (b -i-te) and yw (ch-ow-der). The former will be odds and the latter will be evens. Things may change again though, if I notice something.)

4. [[Enclosers]]:

S = pb (rel. clause opener) / S

D = fv (rel. cl. closer to prev. rel. cl. op.) / D

F = ml (rel. cl. closer to 1st rel. cl. op.) / F

G = td ([[relational sentence]] opener) / G

H = cz ([[relational sentence closer to prev. [[rs]] opener) / H

J = sj ([[relational sentence closer to 1st [[rs]] opener / J

. = nr (sentence ender/seperater / .

' = [?] (2nd/3rd person quote opener) / '

; = [?] 2nd/3rd person quote closer) / ;

" = [?] 1st person quote opener) / "

: = [?] 1st person quote closer) / :

! = [?] (exclamative-expression opener) / !

@ = [?] (exclamative-expression closer) / @

[ = [?] (variable-to-fill opener) / [

] = [?] (variable-to-fill closer) / ]

K = [?] (everything up to last sentence is an event)

5. Affix seperaters:

W = Lw (pfx sep.) / W

Q = Lq (sfx sep.) / Q

I = Li (comp. sep.) / I

U = Lu (class. comp. sep.) / U

E = Le ([somin' sep.]) / E

A = La ([[member classifier]] sep.) / A

X = Lx (pfx sep. when pfxal word is first term in comp.) / X

Y = Ly / Y

6. Numbers:

1 = pwb (one) / 1

2 = fqv (two) / 2

3 = mil (three) / 3

4 = tud (four) / 4

5 = cez (five) / 5

6 = saj (six) / 6

7 = nxr (seven) / 7

0 = kyg (zero) / 0

7. [[Functions]]:

+ = pywb (add) / +

_ = fxqv (multiply) / _

) = mail ([[power-up]]) / )

( = pkyLwpywb (subtract) / (

* = pkyLwfxqv (divide) / *

& = pkyLwmail ([[power-down]]) / &

= = teud (equal) / =

This is the... character map, I think it's called. The Latin characters associated with my characters. The majority of the characters are logographs (symbols that represent terms).

~Shawn Savoie~
~Ottawa, Ontario, Canada~
added on 4:43pm Mar 9 '09:
"K" is now the 7th in the 4th category. So all following in that category move up 1.
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