Christie snubbed by CPAC

Posted by Sir Four at 7:15pm Feb 27 '13
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CPAC, the big annual convention of right-wingers, intentionally snubbed Chris Christie, because he doesn't toe the line fully enough. He's "simply not a conservative" and has a "limited future" in the GOP, according the CPAC organizers. "The future" apparently includes such winners and luminaries as Mitt Romney, Sarah Palin, Newt Gingrich, and Allen West, all of whom are featured CPAC speakers.

And back here on planet earth... Christie is the most popular US governor.
New Jersey voters today continue Gov. Christopher Christie's record-breaking 74 - 22 percent approval rating, the highest of any New Jersey governor in 17 years of Quinnipiac University surveys. Voters also say 71 - 23 percent that Gov. Christie deserves reelection this year.

Christie's approval among...
Republicans: 94%
Democrats: 56%
Independents: 77%

Maybe his popularity stems from precisely the fact that he isn't one of those clowns who would appear at CPAC?

*incidentally I was one of the people randomly polled for the above =D
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