So, about this

Posted by Kromey at 1:15pm Sep 29 '11
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I actually exchanged a few e-mails with the CEO of CloudFlare regarding this (I'd been invited to the closed beta of the feature, and when I sent feedback saying I wasn't able to test it, the CEO responded).

Anyway, if your site is already IPv6 enabled (as mine is), you actually can't use this feature -- turning it on will blow away your IPv6 records. However, it's currently still the only way to "orange cloud-ify" your site over IPv6.

From talking with the CEO, they plan to roll out support for "orange clouding" native IPv6 sites in the near future -- that's what I'm eagerly waiting for! It's a shame, though, that CloudFlare's IPv6 gateway service doesn't go the other way 'round -- that is, you can't put your site on native IPv6 only, and via CloudFlare have IPv4 clients able to still reach it.
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