2 monitors, 2 brands....

Posted by 79 at 2:33pm Nov 30 '11
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2 aspect ratios, etc....

my main monitor is an asus. i forget which model number, and for some reason newegg only has it every once in a while (the rest of the time it's not even listed as OOS).

it's ~24", maybe 23.something. it's got a webcam on top, no speakers, DVI, VGA, HDMI, etc. the main thing, for me, is the aspect ratio - i've never been much of a widescreen fan, and it's 1900x1600. a lot more real estate, and i like the shape better.

my secondary monitor is an acer g235h. i would have gotten another asus, but it was during one of the times that one was out of stock, and the pickings for 19x16 are mighty slim. plus, i don't need as much room there - the main reason i got it at first was so i could have a full screen of the track view in Sonar while i had a full screen of the mixer view up as well.

i can't offer a really good comparison between the two, because the former is several years older than the latter - so it's not quite as bright. and keeping the colors the same temp can be tricky, but i think that's more my colorblindness than anything else. the major difference i notice, picture-wise, is that the acer takes a while longer to warm up. wouldn't be noticeable if it were the only one, but i can tell the difference.

i also don't really use the monitor controls at all, either - i just work through nvidia's control panel.

out of the two, i'd recommend both quite easily. i definitely prefer the asus, and if could have two of them i'd be perfectly happy. slightly wider bezels than the acer, but i don't even have them right next to each other anyway (left speaker, asus, right speaker, acer - my desk is an L, too, and so it's more of a side panel than anything....which i love, as my mixers and everything are on another desk direct to my left, so everything's in a nice U around me and feels nice and balanced).

(my previous monitor was a 17" viewsonic, but that dates back to when 17" LCDs were still ~$800 (US), so that doesn't really count, and before that it was just CRTs.)

added on 2:43pm Nov 30 '11:
ahh, bollocks. i don't mean 1600 anywhere in there. i mean 1920x1200. that's the asus, the acer is the more conventional 1920x1080.

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